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The Cipher Brief's Academic Incubator Program
The Academic Incubator Program (AIP) is a partnership between academic programs and The Cipher Brief dedicated to bolstering national security by investing in the education of future leaders.
The Cipher Brief's Academic Incubator Program is currently on hiatus. The Cipher Brief Team sincerely appreciates your support, interest, and partnership in this program. We will let you know as soon as the program is available again in the future.
In the interim, make sure to subscribe to our FREE daily newsletter including the daily Open-Source Report or the Open-Source Podcast to stay updated with all key developments in national security.

Recent Student Submissions
Washington University in Saint Louis
George Mason University, Schar School for
Georgia Institute of Technology, Sam Nunn School
University of Texas at Austin, Clements Center for National Security
- ​Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies
Westminster College
Virginia Tech, Hume Center for National Security and Technology
University of New Mexico, Global and National Security Policy Institute

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